Item 01 - The Journal of the West of Scotland Agricultural College Former Students’ Club. No.39 (1959)

Sample article

Zona de identificação

Código de referência

GB 3488 COO1/06/02/01


The Journal of the West of Scotland Agricultural College Former Students’ Club. No.39 (1959)


  • 1959 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

One paper [unbound] journal issue of 60 pages.

Zona do contexto

Nome do produtor

(1899 - 1990)

História administrativa

The West of Scotland Agricultural College (WSAC) was formed in 1899, following the merger of the agricultural department of the Glasgow and the West of Scotland Technical College and the Scottish Dairy Institute.
WSAC was the first agricultural college in Scotland. In 1900, the College was based in Blythswood Square, Glasgow and leased Holmes Farm in Kilmarnock where practical work was undertaken. In 1927, the estate of Auchincruive, Ayr, was gifted to the College by the late John Hannah of Girvan Mains. It originally offered lectures and demonstration work in the science and practice of agriculture including; dairying, chemistry, botany, book-keeping and veterinary science. In 1974, the Blythswood square site was closed.

In 1990, the College became part of the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC)..

História do arquivo

Part of a collection of journals belonging to Lennox Lindsay, former lecturer at the West of Scotland College of Agriculture.

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Gift of Valerie Lindsay (spouse of Lennox Lindsay) 13/06/2023. Accession record 2023-06-13/1

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      Existência e localização de cópias

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      Zona do controlo da descrição

      Identificador da descrição

      Identificador da instituição

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      Datas de criação, revisão, eliminação

      Línguas e escritas


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